Anita Berg
Källan installation, roterande objekt, tusch, latex 2022.
Anita Berg born in Stocholm 1956, working and living in Lungsjön, Norrland , Sweden. Working primarily with ceramic and mixt media. Member of KRO, .K.H.V.C. In my creative process, the physical closeness to the materials is important. Clay is the medium through which I can best represent my thoughts. Through my work, I seek to capture the brief instant that lies between being and not being, to find the common thread between past and present a guide into the future. Communication, frailty, wonder, transformation, the passing of time...these are the concepts that inspire my art.
Utvalda verk
Nervikt Grafik och porslin 2022
Under det rosa täcket installation 2022 blandteknik
Cirkulärt Porslin 2022